Episode 89


Episode Summary – YOU CAN BECOME AN ARCHITECT OF HIGHER THINKING! In Episode 89 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show (links in the comments) titled, “THE LIVING ENERGY FORMULA” my brilliant guest is Laura Brennan-Ballet, the bestselling author of The Science of Empowerment: Negative Positive Neutral Which one are YOU? Wait till you learn how to heal past patterns to create an empowered life. Learn what the J3E Formula is and how to apply it. Energy is a vital aspect of self-evolution. Laura shares what “written energy” and “thought energy” are to put you in the power seat of life. You do not want to miss this show. Please listen, download, share and review this heady show!

Mentioned Resources –

About the guest – 

Laura Brennan-Ballet - As a Global Ambassador for Life Transformational Empowerment and Human Awareness, Laura’s skill set, gathered wisdom, and personal discipline to advance human potential is evident in her creative work. The care, consideration, and genuine thoughtfulness of supporting and exploring an empowered life with both personal and professional individuals, is an impactful and life-advancing experience for her clients, attendees, and listeners around the globe. Co-Creating with individuals who are willing to grow past their present Mindset, repeated negative patterns, and outdated habits, are in for a 360 view on how to create and sustain happiness and well-being.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Instagram - @howard.brown.36

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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard brown. It's the shining brightly

Howard Brown:

podcast show. Oh my god. I have such an amazing, amazing person.

Howard Brown:

Laura Ballet. How are you?

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: I am fabulous. How are you?

Howard Brown:

What good. I'm great. And I should say Laura

Howard Brown:

Brennan Ballet. So we could give reference to your family name,

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of course, as well. I want to tell you, I met Laura, I don't

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know, maybe six months ago, and we are part of this little club.

Howard Brown:

Okay. Called the diamond moments and SONET we're gonna shout out

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SONET van Beretta with beautiful, our beautiful mwah.

Howard Brown:

Right. And then also, we are part of the soul authors

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journey. And we actually had a weekly show, where we talked

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about what it is to be an author before, during and after, and

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shout out to buddy Thorton and Randy Blake, and Christa rose,

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right. And these are our peeps. And we are having such a blast

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doing that. So it's been incredible. We've gotten to know

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each other, and we spotlight our books and other author books,

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and we become a panel and we comment on the what is behind

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the book, what is the message? How you know, and it's really

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cool. I'm enjoying that. I know you are, too.

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Yeah, I love it. We get to see the

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inside of the mind of an author and the process of sharing our

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writing. So it's been quite a journey. I can't wait to

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Howard Brown:

Yeah, I think we're starting up back up in

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June. So I'm excited about that. And, and we're both part of the

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year part of the diamond beauties. And I'm part of the

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Tanzanite heroes. And it's just been a fabulous, you know, this

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is collaboration at its best. It's so fun. We're having a

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great day. And let me tell you a little bit more about Laura

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Brennan Ballet. She's a global ambassador for life,

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transformational empowerment and human awareness. Laura's skill

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set gathered is gathered wills, wisdom and personal discipline

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to advance human potential. And it's evident in her creative

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work. The care consideration and genuine thoughtfulness of

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supporting exploring empowered life, both personal and

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professional, is really impactful for individuals. It's

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life advancing. It helps their clients, attendees, listeners

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around the globe, actually strive to get better bring joy

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to their life. It's amazing. I love it. She loves co creating

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with individuals who are willing to grow their past their present

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mindsets, and repeat, not repeat negative patterns, and outdated

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habits, and are in for a 360 view on how to create and

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sustain happiness and well being. It's incredible. It's

Howard Brown:

great. So now that we shared a little bit about you and your

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bio, tell us something that we may not know about you that you

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want to share.

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Yeah, I love this question. Because

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something just recently happened to me that no one knows really

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yet except for my husband and myself and maybe my family, my

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close family. We were recently in Costa Rica, I was speaking at

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an event and we decided to go hang out in the jungle and do

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some ziplining experience. Wow, we did the Superman zipline,

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which if anyone has ever experienced this, they bring you

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to the highest point that you humanly have ever experienced.

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They lay you on a table and you are strapped in like the

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Superman position, pretty much with like a like a toggle here

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and a toggle there. And they pull you back and off you go.

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Now 1500 feet up in the air that's 80 stories high. You are

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floating like a bug. No problem. I've got it right, super

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empowered, I'm strong. All of a sudden, I see my husband fly by.

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And I notice I'm slowing down. And they even put weights on me.

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I'm kind of a little petite thing. I actually stopped in the

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middle of the air. And I was swaying like a bug. I had no

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idea how they were going to get me and Howard for the first

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time. Probably in my entire adult awareness. I had a brief

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moment of I think I'm scared. And I don't ever get scared. I

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just don't because I don't have anything around my life that

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would cause that emotion. And as I was blowing in the breeze

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hanging on by just these two metal mechanisms, I was like

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wow, this is what a lot of people really feel sometimes on

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a daily basis. And now that I'm up here experiencing this very

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real sensation in my body and this emotion and the thought

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energy attached to it. I started really working this particular j

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b equals a formula to get myself calm, so that I could bring back

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a fresh new perspective of what it is to empower oneself when we

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are in a bit of a challenging predicament. And long story

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short, eventually, they figured out how to throw this magnetic

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rope. And it caught on to part of the mechanism. And they had

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to physically roped me into the platform.

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So your husband's whizzing by because he weighs

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more, but you're thinking of super. But that's what it was.

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But your stop there. And it gave you a moment of deep

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introspection and contemplation. But they did the rescue. But

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they rescued you. They rescued you. They pulled you through and

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all that. Oh my god. Thank you for sharing that. Yes. Wow. Oh,

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my God. Alright, let's regroup. So tell me Give me a little more

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background. So how do we had it Laura get, you know, to this

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space now. So share a little background more.

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Yeah. So I think I came into this world

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with some knowledge and wisdom and really a high level of

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energy that was already locked into my personality or my

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consciousness, my spirit. And it's just always been knocking

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at my door. And when I was 14, I went to my mom and told her one

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day I'm going to write a book, and I'm going to change the

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world. Alright, great. So many of us have that that statement,

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right? We share all of this excitement in this desire in

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these big dreams. But of course, my mom was like, beautiful,

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great, why are you waiting till somewhere down the road? life

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got in the way. And recently, I kept getting all of these

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universal messages, just synchronicities that were coming

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out of nowhere, right, which is what a synchronicity does. The

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book the book, the book everywhere I would go as I

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started travelling a lot more with my husband, I would start

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talking and someone would say, you need to write a book, Why

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aren't you coaching? Are you speaking anywhere, all of this

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reflection. So finally, I just said, You know what, I need to

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sit down and write a book. And very cool backstory also is my

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brother, Chris Brennan. And I always give a heartfelt shout

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out to him. He is the creator of the J three equals e formula.

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This really was the spark that created the science of

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empowerment. So there's this beautiful sibling, Cole

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collaborative, creative experience that we went through.

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And I started writing the book. And five years later, it came

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out. And here we are. I

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know. And you're now you motivate, educate,

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inspire. We do this together, you lift up others. You

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mentioned the formula, the J three e formula. People are

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going to be curious, I know they can get the book, but give them

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a teeny bit of what the formula is.

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Yeah, I love this. I talk about this

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everywhere. It's really now it's I firmly believe we have this

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knowledge and information in our DNA we all do. It's just how do

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we awaken to it? Or how do we come upon it, or certainly

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someone like you that went through such a challenge, that

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resilience, that beauty, that empowerment that came out of you

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through this challenge, and what you have gifted out into the

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world. So part of the J three equals a, it's five principles,

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it's awareness to three fields of quantum energies. And when

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you apply these principles, when you move yourself into the power

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seat of choice, you now begin to create an empowered life. So the

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j stands for jackal that is an the beginning of an acronym that

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really represents four of the people closest to my brother, je

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KL I'm the L in there, the three is negative, positive, neutral,

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which energy are you? Which energy are you contributing to

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each and every interaction and experience. And when you

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position yourself in that power seat of choice, and you choose

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neutrality, you now are able to empower a more positive

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experience for you and others. And this begins to really create

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and cultivate and sustain an empowered life.

Howard Brown:

It's thank you for explaining that for those that

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are listening or watching. But you'll get the book and it dies

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into a deeply so we'll talk about that. So I you know, you

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referenced me Listen, I had an incredible life journey. But

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twice in my life. I've been stopped dead in my tracks by

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stage four cancer diagnosis where the outcomes were not

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known. Nothing was guaranteed. And I call that my walk in

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darkness. And I've had other walks in darkness too, but those

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are pretty deep and I've had to learn from that. And I also use

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the metaphor of light of using my light to help me understand

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and learn from it, and also be able to then lift up others. So

Howard Brown:

you speak in your book and on your, on your talks in your

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coaching about healing past patterns in order to create the

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Empire powered life touch on that for us. Yeah, I think this

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Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: such a key to really cracking the code to

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living an empowered life, we have become so accustomed to be

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friending these patterns, these outdated and unnecessary ways of

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being in our life, whether they're habits, behaviours,

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patterns, stories, thought processes. And what they do is

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they hold us in this vibration of an energy that does not

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really expand, what could be the possibilities, the natural

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organic expansion of filling out are human potential abilities.

Howard Brown:

So outdated patterns are something I address on the

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upfront of most conversations. And I really challenge my

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clients and the people who are listening in the readership

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around the world, to suspend those outdated patterns and

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begin to become self actualized. And think, as if you already are

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connected to an empowered life. Now, look at those patterns, and

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how are they serving you in your present and future growth. And

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most people immediately realise they're not serving me at all.

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They serve me to stay connected to the past, not be present, and

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certainly not tune into my potential and the ability of

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what's in my future.

Howard Brown:

I a part of this empowerment is that you call you

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can become an architect or a builder of higher thinking,

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right? Is that? Is that how we go through it? And that's the

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discipline. Yeah,

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: use the ability of this brilliant mind

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to connect to that part. And however you want to word it, it

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could be soul connection, spiritual connection, certainly,

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God energy, right, when we connect with God in our faith,

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we all have different ways of arriving to this. But if you

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think about an architect, and they have these beautiful

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tables, and they have all of these measurements, right, these

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tools of measuring and engineering and creating these

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visuals in the process of designing something new, and so

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I challenge again, people who listen become the architect, the

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designer, the engineer, of what an empowered life can be for

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you, and everyone you come in contact with.

Howard Brown:

As you heard me say before it can be done right.

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We all get knocked down in life and in business and in health me

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specifically and in relationships, but we can get

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back up again. And I have to tell you, so you call it an

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architect, I call myself Humpty Dumpty, right? I need to put

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myself back together again, emotionally, physically,

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financially, meaning career or finance or money. And then the

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hardest ones always relationships. always the

Howard Brown:

hardest one?

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Well, there's the biggest, reflective

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mechanism we have that's built into the human condition. No

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matter if it's your partner, it's your children. It's people

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that we worship with. It's the people you deal with at school,

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you know, your work environment. other human beings carry

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frequency that either matches, resonates, aligns, or disrupts

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our own vibration or our own thought process, ie our

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personalities. And how can we use that reflection, to grow,

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right to evolve and again, to inspire and create a level of

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empowerment. So when we leave one another, we feel better, we

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feel transformed? And yes, we can live like this all day long.

Howard Brown:

So I have to tell you, I'm fairly new to energy

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and vibrations, and some of our audience listening and watching

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might be as well. So maybe you can share why is energy, you

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know, an important aspect of this self growth and self

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Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Yeah, we seem to forget that we are

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energy in motion. Energy is in everything, even the desk that

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we're sitting on, or the chair, the studio, the microphone,

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everything is energy. It's either free flowing and

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expressive and expansive, or it's condensed. We are energy

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beings. Our thought has energy. Our biology has energy, our

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heart Oh my god, the energy that's in our heart centre,

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right that consciousness spirit, that God connection, all of this

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is energy. So when we tap in to knowing that there's negative

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and positive energies, atoms, ions, etc. And what we did with

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the formula is we positioned neutrality right in there,

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because many of us can't go from negative energy on happiness or

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disempowerment or unhealthy patterns, bad behaviour, we

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cannot recalibrate that right into positive behaviour and

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patterns immediately. This is the beauty and the power of

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neutrality, it's really become my superpower. Now, it's what I

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rely on all the time, is to give us the resting ridge of

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understanding. We are energy in motion, we can choose to be

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negative or positive. And we do this through the awareness of

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neutralising negative energy. And having fun and getting

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excited about creating more positive experiences.

Howard Brown:

Don't like Dr. Lord to me? That's incredible.

Howard Brown:

You also referenced something there. I heard thought energy

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but written energy. Yeah, what is written energy?

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Oh, I love this. And I've talked to a few

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people that are much more advanced and beautiful and

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powered than I am. And when they've read the book, they have

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referenced that when they're reading the words, they actually

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have physical sensation, or internal movement, something

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they quite can't put their finger on, which is just energy

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being sparked. It's something in us that maybe was lying dormant,

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or we haven't quite awakened to or we've never even thought

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about. So written energy. So when someone reads shining

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brightly when someone reads the science of empowerment, and you

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read it with the mindset of energy, structured around the

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words, the sentences, the verses, now, how does that come

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across to you? How was it leaping off the page and

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settling into your very being. And when we look at written

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energy from that perspective, it now elevates thought energy, so

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we actually aren't just taking in information, we're learning

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how to apply new knowledge to create a better life.

Howard Brown:

I agree with you, because if you read something,

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and then it makes you laugh, or it makes you cry, or makes you

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take a call to action. It's powerful. It's really powerful.

Howard Brown:

And thank you for sharing that. It's really amazing. And so,

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transformation. It's not easy. Sometimes it's also a longer

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term process. Like I always say, if you're trying to lose, you

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know, 75 pounds, you're not doing that in two days. Right?

Howard Brown:

You have to have a plan. And so how do people transform the you

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know, and get get unstuck? How do they transform, you know,

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every day, experiences and accelerate, you know, their

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Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Yeah, this is the beauty and the power of

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why I love this formula. When you run through, move through an

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Ask yourself the five principles, every time you're up

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against a challenge. First, people may say, Oh, my God, if I

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have to think about, you know, awareness, or willingness or

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critical thinking all the time, how am I going to transform?

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However, what I challenge them is to realise you think about

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something anyways. But it's a pattern. It's a set way of

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being, it's in relation to a stagnated mindset, or just an

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outlay of an algorithm that's already been implanted right

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inside the brain. We become what we see what we hear what we eat

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what we feel. So now when you move through the formula, you

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wake up and you wake up in a bad mood had a bad dream, or you had

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a fight or there's some challenge. What am I aware of in

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the moment? I'm not happy? What am I willing to do? neutralise

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it? What am I accountable to my feelings only critical thinking

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fourth principle very strong supportive principle here, we

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remove the emotionality at the moment of awareness. This

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doesn't mean we don't feel it means we are less reactive to

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the pattern, because we're now as the architect redesigning a

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new thought process around a life we would rather strive for,

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then settle for fifth principle, energy, negative, positive

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neutral. I've just neutralised right there within 12 seconds

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how I woke up, because I am aware that I do not want to be

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in a bad mood today, I am willing to be accountable to how

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I'm thinking about the energy that I am experiencing,

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therefore contributing to the world. So I think when we move

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through this formula on a daily basis, consistent basis, the

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mind starts to align with had the potential rather than the

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pattern. And this is how transformation shows up.

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And we are so aligned because I break break it

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down. Are you being authentic, your authentic self? Are you

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being intentional? Are you being held accountable, which we all

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do to each other? I love our group for that. Do you have the

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discipline? Do you have the resistance, and don't lose hope,

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because sometimes it's two steps back before you go two steps

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forward. It's a really, really beautiful thing. And I just

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think that you're, as I even said in one of my comments, when

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we actually spotlight to your book that you're actually you're

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not leaving a legacy. You're living your legacy, every day.

Howard Brown:

And it's beautiful. And it's just I love it. So we're at the

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time of the show where we get to put on our glasses. And the

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reason we do that please put your glasses on is that I want

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to shine this shining brightly spotlight on you, Laura Brennan

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belay, so I want you to tell people how to get in touch with

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you, I want you to you have some potential giveaways of your book

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even and for some comments and things like that. And then leave

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me with some inspiration so we can close out the show. Yeah,

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: I of course, www dot the signs of

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empowerment.com. I actually have a YouTube channel. I just

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started where I will be recording to podcast weekly and

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it's going to be elevate in 20 less than 20 minutes of a

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masterclass of empowerment, tap right into that Amazon, the

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book, there's social media everywhere, just come join in

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the life experience with me. However, we can connect, I

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answer all emails, all comments. My book readership has turned

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into my coaching clients speaking engagements. So I'm

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just open for creative collaboration, and where I

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personally may collaborate to empower others. And I would say,

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really, to leave the listeners with you are energy in motion.

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And don't forget that and always remember that you are in the

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power seat of choice, choose positive energy, and really

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shine that brightly on everyone you come into contact with.

Howard Brown:

Wow. And I'll just add, thank you for that, oh, my

Howard Brown:

god and Eve incorporated shining brightly there are going to take

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off my glasses is that so Laura is willing, okay, for pokes too.

Howard Brown:

If they actually comment on the posts and provide some

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inspiration, or some transformation, she's going to

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select once these things go out onto social media, one person to

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receive a copy of her book. And so we'll we'll we'll work on

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that together. It's an ebook download. And it's beautiful,

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what a nice gift for that. And I want to tell you that Laura is

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an incredible speaker for your corporate or your nonprofit

Howard Brown:

audience. And your coaching is amazing, you actually do it,

Howard Brown:

something that I love is that you lift people up, and they

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need that today, we need that more than ever, we need that

Howard Brown:

inspiration as well. So you've been listening or watching to

Howard Brown:

the shining brightly show. And you can reach me at shining

Howard Brown:

brightly.com You can learn about the book, it's certainly on

Howard Brown:

Amazon. also hire me to speak and shine at your event or

Howard Brown:

facilitate one of your corporate events or nonprofit events or

Howard Brown:

even a fundraiser. And the also this podcast is distributed on

Howard Brown:

24 different channels on syndication. So it's widely

Howard Brown:

available Apple, Spotify, all the best things like that. But

Howard Brown:

more importantly, you can find about my advocacy at shining

Howard Brown:

bright the.com And what I care about and I care about

Howard Brown:

survivorship and I care about the cancer world and the

Howard Brown:

entrepreneurship world and the interfaith world. And those are

Howard Brown:

the things that actually define you and make you a whole person

Howard Brown:

and give you a broad you know well life. And so I want to give

Howard Brown:

thanks to the people that got me here my publishing house front

Howard Brown:

edge publishing. I also want to thank read the spirit magazine,

Howard Brown:

I blog in that magazine at least a couple times a month and it

Howard Brown:

reaches 50 60,000 people and also my podcast finishing house

Howard Brown:

is amplify you and they make me great every week. They provide a

Howard Brown:

great show for me. So thank you for that. And just remember if

Howard Brown:

we choose okay to shine brightly, a little bit each day

Howard Brown:

for ourselves got to take care of home at first you and

Howard Brown:

yourself and we choose to shine brightly for others by lifting

Howard Brown:

them up in our communities in our neighbourhoods, the world

Howard Brown:

will become a better place. Laura Brennan belay, you've been

Howard Brown:

an outstanding high energy guest. I loved our show. Thank

Howard Brown:

you for being here.

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Thank you. And

Howard Brown:

we'll give a big mom right a big mark to this as

Howard Brown:

well. Thank you again.

Howard Brown:

Laura Brennan Ballet: Thank you