Episode 88


Episode Summary – SMALL TOWN GIRL DOES NOT STOP BELIEVING! In Episode 88 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show (links in the comments) titled, “AND THE EMMY GOES TO MIRACLE TWINS”, I am joined by Danette Kubanda a two-time daytime EMMY Award winning television producer turned media and publicity coach who helps authors, experts, entrepreneurs and companies share their message with the masses. She grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and wanted to be in TV as a little girl. She followed through on her dream to help produce the Oprah Winfrey Show (what’s up Oprah!), HGTV, CBS and Fox programs. We discuss her Amazon best selling book “Creativity Is…Whatever You Want It To Be”.  Her pride and joy are her three children. Miracle girl and boy twins just like me and my twin-sister. Please listen, download, share, review and come check out this cool show.

Mentioned Resources –

About the guest – Danette Kubanda is an Emmy award winning television producer turned media and publicity coach, who helps authors, experts and entrepreneurs share their messages with the masses so they can help the people who need them most. Her career spans more than twenty years in the TV business where she earned the highest award in the field – twice – with two Daytime Emmy Awards to her credit. She began her career at CNN, before moving on to the legendary Oprah Winfrey Show, where she spent four years helping viewers to “live their best lives.”  She then went on to write and produce for HGTV, Fine Living Network, CBS and Fox Twentieth Television. She’s the co-author of the Amazon Best-Selling book, “Creativity Is…Whatever You Want It To Be.” Today, Danette serves as a publicity consultant and media coach for the National Publicity Summit, the Quantum Leap Program and the Super Connector Media Mastermind in addition to her own private clients. Her mission is to help experts become the media guests she would have wanted to book on her shows.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard Brown is the Shining Brightly

Howard Brown:

Show. Oh my goodness. I am just so excited for this show. I have

Howard Brown:

topics about winning really shiny trophies and talking about

Howard Brown:

twins. Oh my god Danette Kubanda, welcome. I'm so glad to

Howard Brown:

see you. I am thrilled to be here. Thank you so much for

Howard Brown:

having me, Howard. We're gonna have some fun. But let me tell

Howard Brown:

you about the superstar that I have. You know, I'm looking on

Howard Brown:

the screen and you're listening or watching right now. So,

Howard Brown:

Danette Kubanda is an Emmy Award winning television producer turn

Howard Brown:

Media and Publicity coach, she helps authors, experts,

Howard Brown:

entrepreneurs share their message with the masses, very

Howard Brown:

important to be heard, right? So they can help people who need

Howard Brown:

them most. Her career spans 20 years in the TV biz. And I was

Howard Brown:

in the TV biz on the back end of it, the backside of it behind

Howard Brown:

the camera. And she earned the highest award in the field

Howard Brown:

twice, two Daytime Emmy Awards to her credit, and she began her

Howard Brown:

career at CNN. And then she moved on to the legendary Oprah

Howard Brown:

Winfrey Show. What's up Oprah shout out. Okay. We she spent

Howard Brown:

four years helping the viewers there to live their best lives.

Howard Brown:

I love that that was such a great show. We still get her

Howard Brown:

magazine, I think what an influence right worldwide. She

Howard Brown:

went on to write and produce for a Home and Garden Television,

Howard Brown:

find living network, CBS, Fox 20 television, and you are the co

Howard Brown:

author of Amazon Best Selling but creativity is wherever you

Howard Brown:

want it to be. Love that. Today, you serve as a publicity

Howard Brown:

consultant and media coach for national publicity summit, the

Howard Brown:

Quantum Leap programme, super connected media mastermind and

Howard Brown:

decision you have your own private coaching clients. Your

Howard Brown:

mission is to help experts become the media guests they

Howard Brown:

wanted and you wanted to book on your shows. This is awesome. So

Howard Brown:

welcome. Glad to be here. But before we do that, okay, you

Howard Brown:

have to share something that you know you not everyone knows

Howard Brown:

about you. So give me give us a little little tea here on

Howard Brown:

something we may not know.

Danette Kubanda:

I once had to charter an aeroplane for a

Danette Kubanda:


Howard Brown:

Come again. Why would you have to do that?

Danette Kubanda:

It was actually for a show we were doing for

Danette Kubanda:

animal planets. And the gorilla didn't fit in a commercial

Danette Kubanda:

cabin. And they didn't want him to fly cargo. So he got his own

Danette Kubanda:

chartered aeroplane to make it to Chicago.

Howard Brown:

That's different. And the gorilla made it the

Howard Brown:

first class of course.

Danette Kubanda:

Absolutely. And it was such a fun show. But it's

Danette Kubanda:

so important to just like think outside the box and figure out a

Danette Kubanda:

way to solve whatever problems in front of you. I can imagine

Danette Kubanda:

that your manager goes get that gorilla here. Go figure it out.

Danette Kubanda:

And you did. That's all thank you for sharing that amazing. So

Danette Kubanda:

as Danette and I have gotten to know each other she calls

Danette Kubanda:

herself a small town girl from Pennsylvania and I can't get the

Danette Kubanda:

journey song out of my head now because it's one of my my faves

Danette Kubanda:

all time don't stop believing that small town girl. But tell

Danette Kubanda:

us about that small town girl and how she eventually got to

Danette Kubanda:

the Emmy stage. Yeah, I I grew up in in Johnstown,

Danette Kubanda:

Pennsylvania, which if anyone's heard of it, they only know it

Danette Kubanda:

because of the flood. So you know, it's an old steel town. By

Danette Kubanda:

the time I got to high school, the mills had already closed

Danette Kubanda:

down. It was just, you know, there wasn't much there. So it

Danette Kubanda:

wasn't a situation where I had role models, you know, who were

Danette Kubanda:

out there becoming television producers are chasing big

Danette Kubanda:

dreams. But in my head, I always wanted to work in TV, and I was

Danette Kubanda:

going to do whatever it took to get there.

Howard Brown:

So you went to college for journalism? Is that

Howard Brown:

what it was?

Danette Kubanda:

I did, I actually started working in TV

Danette Kubanda:

when I was 16. In high school, I had to become a Boy Scout, a boy

Danette Kubanda:

scout explorer, they had a programme where we can work at

Danette Kubanda:

our local Cablevision station. And through that, I was able to

Danette Kubanda:

learn the ropes of running a camera. We've covered city

Danette Kubanda:

council meetings, we did local sporting events. It was just a

Danette Kubanda:

really great introduction into the industry. And from there, I

Danette Kubanda:

chose that top 10 journalism schools so that I could get more

Danette Kubanda:

hands on experience. I knew being in the field was better

Danette Kubanda:

than just book learning.

Howard Brown:

But what How did you know you knew that you

Howard Brown:

wanted to be you know, in the in the television business and

Howard Brown:

maybe just as a little girl, that's that was the goal and you

Howard Brown:

made it happen?

Danette Kubanda:

I was obsessed with TV. I watched absolutely

Danette Kubanda:

every sitcom that was available to me. I watched all the talk

Danette Kubanda:

shows. And yeah, that's just what I wanted to do. I wanted to

Danette Kubanda:

be Donna Reed, you know, she was the first woman who was credited

Danette Kubanda:

as a producer on her own show and I loved that girl and she

Danette Kubanda:

was out there you know, making her dream happen. So I knew what

Danette Kubanda:

I wanted. And I just had to go about figuring out how to make

Danette Kubanda:

it happen.

Howard Brown:

I have to tell you because I actually worked at

Howard Brown:

avid technology. And we changed from analogue to digital how

Howard Brown:

broadcast and film and TV and commercials were all made. I got

Howard Brown:

to see it from the backside. Like, I think I told you in the

Howard Brown:

green room, like I was in KNBC studios in LA during the OJ

Howard Brown:

Simpson Chase. I mean, we were glued to it. I mean, we were

Howard Brown:

like fans, and you know, the helicopters and everything and

Howard Brown:

the big lineup, but you know, chase him and things like that.

Howard Brown:

But I really feel very proud of that in my career. I never

Howard Brown:

wanted to be on TV, but I was got to be in support how

Howard Brown:

television was made. It was cool. And so you know, with that

Howard Brown:

comes some privileges, like meeting Jay lenno, and going and

Howard Brown:

seeing cool TV shows, like friends and things like that

Howard Brown:

being made up and all that. So it was a lot of fun. But it's

Howard Brown:

it's really amazing. But this is, you know, that take us

Howard Brown:

through here that you know, where were you actually, I think

Howard Brown:

it was some type of Judge show, right? What was the show that

Howard Brown:

actually got you some awards?

Danette Kubanda:

Yeah, I was working for Christina's court.

Danette Kubanda:

So it was a quick it was supposed to be three months in

Danette Kubanda:

Texas. And I figured I could live anywhere for three months.

Danette Kubanda:

And it ended up being one of the best experiences, I was able to

Danette Kubanda:

win two Emmys from it. That's where I met my husband. So it it

Danette Kubanda:

was a pretty productive three months for me.

Howard Brown:

Wow, look. And by the way, those that are will be

Howard Brown:

watching the video. I mean, she's got the Emmys right there

Howard Brown:

will show a picture of that right behind her. So she's got

Howard Brown:

the goodies right behind her, which is really impressive. And

Howard Brown:

so that's absolutely incredible. But I mean, again, you've been

Howard Brown:

really persistent in your career, you've made it happen.

Howard Brown:

But I want to talk about some personal struggle and things

Howard Brown:

like that. So take us into your miracle twins. And then being a

Howard Brown:

twin. It's just brings such joy, because I'm a twin and my twin

Howard Brown:

saved my life. So tell me about your story there.

Danette Kubanda:

Oh, and I love hearing that. I love hearing

Danette Kubanda:

that you and your twin are still so close. I hope that for my for

Danette Kubanda:

my babies too. Yeah, it was, it was a situation where I never

Danette Kubanda:

thought I'd have to worry about having kids. I'm the youngest of

Danette Kubanda:

six. I have 15 nieces and nephews, I thought, okay, that's

Danette Kubanda:

just something that you know, anybody can do. But when it came

Danette Kubanda:

my turn, it wasn't so easy. And we had to turn to science. I'm

Danette Kubanda:

so thankful for IVF I'm so thankful for the amazing doctors

Danette Kubanda:

who are out there. And even with those medical advancements, we

Danette Kubanda:

still have struggles, I still went through two different

Danette Kubanda:

miscarriages, I we lost an embryo during a thaw. We lost we

Danette Kubanda:

had a vanishing twin, my first baby had a twin, and that didn't

Danette Kubanda:

make it past eight weeks. You know, and so now I have the

Danette Kubanda:

healthy 11 year old boy and healthy nine year old twins. And

Danette Kubanda:

I'm so thankful for them. But it was a very scary time. We didn't

Danette Kubanda:

know what was going to happen, you know that they the

Danette Kubanda:

statistics are out there. That one in 10 couples struggle with

Danette Kubanda:

infertility. And they share that so that you don't feel so alone.

Danette Kubanda:

But it's a very dark time where you do feel very alone. So I

Danette Kubanda:

think that's part of the big reason I share my story is

Danette Kubanda:

because there is hope. And there are different avenues you can

Danette Kubanda:

explore. And I was ready and willing to explore whatever

Danette Kubanda:

options were available to me.

Howard Brown:

It's amazing. So there's a chapter in my book

Howard Brown:

called Miracle Girl. And you know, when you're diagnosed with

Howard Brown:

cancer at 23 years old, I was not thinking I was gonna have

Howard Brown:

kids I was thinking I wasn't going to live. And the fact that

Howard Brown:

either the god vision or the genius of Dr. Eric Rubin, my you

Howard Brown:

know, oncology Harvard fellow told me before chemotherapy, to

Howard Brown:

go to the cryogenic centre and preserve sperm and then to meet

Howard Brown:

my wife in Los Angeles and to call for that sperm 11 years

Howard Brown:

later and go through in vitro fertilisation which is

Howard Brown:

expensive, which is just emotionally draining right as

Howard Brown:

you now and she grew eight eggs and then they defrost the sperm

Howard Brown:

and put four back in and a harvest and and one became out

Howard Brown:

our beautiful healthy, you know, baby girl, and you know all that

Howard Brown:

goes back to my twin saving my life with her bone marrow. And

Howard Brown:

I'm going to let you in a little secret. Okay. My twin sister has

Howard Brown:

an older daughter, and she's now 25 But she has two twins that

Howard Brown:

are 22 girl boy just like you. It's incredible.

Danette Kubanda:

That's the best. I'm so happy for your

Danette Kubanda:

family. That's amazing.

Howard Brown:

So the message the message out there to anyone

Howard Brown:

listening and watching is that you know that fertility

Howard Brown:

conversations with your doctor. Okay, whether you're healthy or

Howard Brown:

not, you need to have those but there are all surrogacy and

Howard Brown:

there's adoption. There's lots of little ones out there.

Howard Brown:

There's orphans out there are that, that need good families,

Howard Brown:

they really do. And I think that's the message that you and

Howard Brown:

I come together on is that, but we are I know you and I, we are

Howard Brown:

so blessed to be able to have that and, and, and twins. It's

Howard Brown:

it's incredible. It's really an incredible thing I can tell you

Howard Brown:

that my sister is clearly you know, one of my best friends in

Howard Brown:

my world. And on May 24, I celebrated my 34th year my bone

Howard Brown:

marrow birthday. So happy bone marrow birthday, that's a

Howard Brown:

birthday, celebrate 34 years alive, right? Unfortunately, it

Howard Brown:

was a little hiccup in the winter with colon cancer, but

Howard Brown:

all healthy and things like that now, so, but we all struggle,

Howard Brown:

and then it's just such a beautiful thing. You know,

Howard Brown:

family illness is important, right? And you have a very big

Howard Brown:

family, lots of cousins. And again, you're just saying that

Howard Brown:

over the holiday weekend, you are actually getting everyone

Howard Brown:

together. And it's probably a big scene. But well, you got to

Howard Brown:

take that all in. That's good stuff.

Danette Kubanda:

It absolutely is. And we've you know, I'm

Danette Kubanda:

working in TV, I lived far away from my family for many, many

Danette Kubanda:

years. And we actually just moved closer to them about two

Danette Kubanda:

years ago. And I always say it would have been so much better

Danette Kubanda:

to live in your family when I had newborn twins, you know, to

Danette Kubanda:

have family to help out. But I'm so happy we have it now. And my

Danette Kubanda:

babies get, you know, they get their aunts and their cousins

Danette Kubanda:

show up to their baseball games and their basketball games. And

Danette Kubanda:

it just makes such a difference to have people around.

Howard Brown:

Alright, so my sister and I, we actually used

Howard Brown:

to watch this. And again, people maybe they might not remember

Howard Brown:

it, but there were the superheroes, right? And so there

Howard Brown:

were the wonders. Activate, no form of water. So so every our

Howard Brown:

birthdays are March 10. And when your twins birthday, April 8,

Howard Brown:

April 8, okay, so we actually call ourselves the Wonder Twins.

Howard Brown:

So I post a little thing on Facebook or whatever. And we do

Howard Brown:

the Wonder Twin powers activate. It's, it's really cute. But you

Howard Brown:

know, twins, they just have a bond. You know, I don't know

Howard Brown:

about your twins. But they do. I'm sure they do. And, you know,

Howard Brown:

hopefully they protect each other and support each other.

Howard Brown:

It's awesome. So any quick twin story that you have.

Danette Kubanda:

It was about two summers ago, and they both

Danette Kubanda:

came to me. And they both had the tiniest little booboo in the

Danette Kubanda:

exact same spot on the exact same knee. You know, and they're

Danette Kubanda:

both showing me my look, isn't this fun? I was like, it must be

Danette Kubanda:

a twin thing. I didn't have any other explanation for it.

Howard Brown:

I love it. It's a twin thing for sure. So I think

Howard Brown:

like there's a day for everything. I know, there's a

Howard Brown:

national twin day out there someday, I don't know the exact

Howard Brown:


Danette Kubanda:

August and we now live near Twinsburg, Ohio,

Danette Kubanda:

where they have the twins day festival, which you should check

Danette Kubanda:

out at some point.

Howard Brown:

All right, I didn't even know that a

Howard Brown:

Twinsburg Ohio, so we'll definitely do that. So tell me,

Howard Brown:

you know, you know, the you're, you know, competent, combining

Howard Brown:

being a working mom and having a family and things like that, you

Howard Brown:

know, what are your takeaways from from being able to now be

Howard Brown:

blessed with such a cool family? And also, you know, hitting the

Howard Brown:

Emmy stage and all that, what are your big takeaways?

Danette Kubanda:

You know, I think the big thing for me was

Danette Kubanda:

that I really had goals in life, I had things I wanted to do. And

Danette Kubanda:

I knew that I wanted to do them and be able to focus on them. So

Danette Kubanda:

I'm really happy that I was able to go out and hit those career

Danette Kubanda:

milestones before I became a mom so that I didn't have any

Danette Kubanda:

regrets. So I have all of those career things out of the way.

Danette Kubanda:

And now I can focus on being the mom I wanted to be, you know,

Danette Kubanda:

I'm able to go to their all of their school functions and

Danette Kubanda:

volunteer for field trips, and still be a working mom and still

Danette Kubanda:

show them how important it is to still have have dreams and have

Danette Kubanda:

goals. But I feel like there's a better balance now than there

Danette Kubanda:

would have been if I was still working TV hours, which are very

Danette Kubanda:

long, very involves a lot of travelling, I wouldn't have been

Danette Kubanda:

able to be the mom I wanted to be and do that at the same time.

Danette Kubanda:

So I'm very thankful that I was able to work it out where I'm

Danette Kubanda:

still doing something I love, I'm still contributing to

Danette Kubanda:

amazing television shows, and amazing other media outlets,

Danette Kubanda:

because I'm working as a media coach now. But I can do it from

Danette Kubanda:

home and I can still be actively involved in my kids lives. It's

Danette Kubanda:

it's difficult to strike that balance, but it's possible. And

Danette Kubanda:

again, if it's something that you really want, there's a way

Danette Kubanda:

to make it happen, that you are making it happen and you're

Danette Kubanda:

living hopefully some type of balanced life and dedicated to

Danette Kubanda:

the family. You're you're you're managing it all.

Howard Brown:

So tell me about your coaching and what you're

Howard Brown:

doing now. And then give me real short one tip that someone could

Howard Brown:

get to be better be media Ready.

Danette Kubanda:

Ready? Yeah, yeah. So now I'm working as a

Danette Kubanda:

media coach and publicity consultants. So I'm I'm coaching

Danette Kubanda:

people, authors, experts, entrepreneurs who want to share

Danette Kubanda:

their message With the masses, they just don't necessarily know

Danette Kubanda:

how to get in front of those large audiences. And I'm, I'm

Danette Kubanda:

really hoping that I'm guiding people into becoming the guests,

Danette Kubanda:

I would have wanted to book on my shows, I think one of the

Danette Kubanda:

things people really struggle with is when they're pitching

Danette Kubanda:

the media, they're pitching their product, they're pitching

Danette Kubanda:

their book, their pitch, pitching their service, instead

Danette Kubanda:

of pitching, how they can help. So turning it around and

Danette Kubanda:

thinking about the audience, what is the audience going to

Danette Kubanda:

get from an interview with you, that's really what those

Danette Kubanda:

producers and editors are looking for. And that's what the

Danette Kubanda:

audience is looking for? How can you benefit that audience, share

Danette Kubanda:

something with them, to make them start living a better life,

Danette Kubanda:

starting today, give them actionable steps that they can

Danette Kubanda:

take. And in sharing that piece of your expertise, it's going to

Danette Kubanda:

leave them wanting to know more, so they're going to want to go

Danette Kubanda:

buy your book, and they're gonna want to sign up for your

Danette Kubanda:

programmes, and they're going to want to buy your products. But

Danette Kubanda:

if you go out there talking about those, then they feel like

Danette Kubanda:

they're being sold. So you want to, like, be an example of what

Danette Kubanda:

you can do and how you can serve people.

Howard Brown:

I love it. And also, you know, there's got to

Howard Brown:

be an action. So my, my daughter, who's a TV reporter in

Howard Brown:

Missoula, Montana, she always says positivity is great, but

Howard Brown:

positivity without action and impact is just positivity. So I

Howard Brown:

love it that be able to show that impact. And, and that's

Howard Brown:

what I'm all about. So, you know, there's there's the

Howard Brown:

shining brightly, you know, moment is to be able to do that.

Howard Brown:

This is absolutely incredible. Well, the time goes by quick on

Howard Brown:

a short show. So I'm going to ask you to put on your

Howard Brown:

sunglasses right now. All right. We're going to shine the

Howard Brown:

spotlight on you all look at those. What type of sunglasses

Howard Brown:

are they?

Danette Kubanda:

My daughter? Let me borrow her Taylor Swift

Danette Kubanda:

sunglasses, because this was an important interview, and she

Danette Kubanda:

wanted you to be feel important.

Howard Brown:

All right, well, thank you, TJ. And they are

Howard Brown:

great. Their heart shapes, eyeglasses, they're amazing. So

Howard Brown:

shining, brightly spotlight on you dinette, tell people how

Howard Brown:

they should get a hold of you if you have talked about your book

Howard Brown:

a little bit, and then share some inspiration and we'll close

Howard Brown:

out the show.

Danette Kubanda:

Excellent. Well, absolutely, you can visit

Danette Kubanda:

my website. It's just Dannette commando.com. And there are

Danette Kubanda:

buttons on there to connect with me on Instagram, Facebook,

Danette Kubanda:

LinkedIn, all of the social media outlets, I would love to

Danette Kubanda:

hear from people and see how I can help you get your message in

Danette Kubanda:

front of the masses. And then as far as an inspirational the book

Danette Kubanda:

the book first. Oh, sure. So I was a co author on creativity is

Danette Kubanda:

whatever you want it to be. And I wrote about creativity as

Danette Kubanda:

resilience because again, the it's about problem solving. It's

Danette Kubanda:

about thinking outside the box, and finding unique ways to solve

Danette Kubanda:

a problem or a struggle that you may be facing. You know, so I

Danette Kubanda:

talked a little bit about my fertility journey, I talked

Danette Kubanda:

about some different problems that I came across as a

Danette Kubanda:

television producer. And and one thing that kind of keeps ringing

Danette Kubanda:

in my head, I have three little kids, I watch a lot of animated

Danette Kubanda:

movies. But there was a Toy Story Short, where they that

Danette Kubanda:

they did for Halloween and they had a toy, an action figure

Danette Kubanda:

named combat coral, and combat Carl never gives up combat Carl

Danette Kubanda:

finds a way. I love those lines, because it's so true. It's and

Danette Kubanda:

he was teaching Jesse you know, the little cowgirl how to get

Danette Kubanda:

out of a predicament. And that kind of that soundbite realm was

Danette Kubanda:

through my head. Don't give up find a way, look outside the box

Danette Kubanda:

and find a way to find your dreams, chase your dream dreams

Danette Kubanda:

Chase chase your goals. So thanks.

Howard Brown:

Thank you for sharing that. That's awesome.

Howard Brown:

We'll take that. So I take the glasses off. And we're we'll

Howard Brown:

close out the show. So this is the shining, brightly podcast

Howard Brown:

show. And I just want to give a big shout out and thanks to the

Howard Brown:

over 125,000 people that are actually downloading and

Howard Brown:

reviewing and listening to this show each week and getting some

Howard Brown:

inspiration getting something out of it to take action on it

Howard Brown:

makes me and just reinforces why I do this and why we why we

Howard Brown:

actually get out and try to broadcast and, and share some

Howard Brown:

positive messages. You can get a hold of me at shining

Howard Brown:

brightly.com my speaking the book, The podcast is there also

Howard Brown:

more importantly, my advocacy in the entrepreneurship world at

Howard Brown:

Babson College, cancer world and the interfaith world to get to

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know the others especially in this time of, of hate and some

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tough times we've got going on there, we need that positivity.

Howard Brown:

I really do emphasise that and again, Daniel, we've talked

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about today, twins and being a force multiplier for good and

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positive change. So just remember, okay, that we can do

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it, we can get back up again from hard times. So shout out to

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the folks that make me look good front edge publishing, read the

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spirit.com and the Amplify You network that makes my podcasts

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beautiful. And and then we'll just we'll close it up by saying

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if you choose to shine brightly a little bit each day for

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ourselves, take care of ourselves, and then go lift up

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others in our communities in our neighbourhoods, the world will

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be a better place, Danette it's been a real pleasure, thank you.

Howard Brown:

And I love the Emmys. Oh my god, it's sparkling. It's beautiful.

Howard Brown:

And keep being a beautiful mom and keep helping people and with

Howard Brown:

your media consulting. I just love to having you as a guest.

Howard Brown:

Thank you for being

Howard Brown:

I've had so much fun. Thank you for inviting me.